fredag 16 februari 2007

Why I like "The West Wing"

So, as requested I'll (if I consider myself having time and energy at the time) paste my diary entries here, as well as on lunarstorm, crossnet and communities...

Why I like ”The West Wing”

The characters are so… efficient!
They go from one thing to the other, constantly juggling several things in their minds: budget, tax cuts, military spending, their own feelings, a chinese official visiting at the wrong time, a prank pulled on a friend at work, the mood of the president… “What can we do about that? That! Oh, yes and the implications will be this, this and possibly that. Agreed! And the next thing, what can we do about that? Nothing now until that person has asked that other person who’ll probably answer like this…”
Done with tempo and a glimpse in the… (skit!) glimt i ögonvrån och en grym intelligens och snabbtänkthet.

Så vill jag kunna jobba! Så vill jag kunna leva?

I verkligheten?

När jag var yngre så ville jag att vi i vår familj skulle kunna käbbla, småbråka för kuls skull, på samma sätt som huvudpersonerna i Eddings’ första Belgarion-böcker.

I efterhand har jag kommit på att man faktiskt sårar varandra…

Jag har tänkt på andra saker idag [onsdag] också, men det här räcker for now, I think.